1. The Academic Session of the College is from June to May.
  2. Before a student is admitted to the college he/she (or a guardian) will have to sign an undertaking in the proper form to the effect that the student will abide by the rules of the college strictly failing which disciplinary action will be taken against him/her.
  3. Any change in the address must be intimated to the office in writing.
  4. Any student who absent himself/herself from college examination without permission from the principal will be fined as per the decision of the staff Council. Willful absence from any such examination will make him/her liable to be detained.
  5. Students are strictly forbidden to loiter in the corridor / verandah when the classes are going on.
  6. When a team of students is deputed by the college from Begunia for any reason, members of the team and students to outside obtain prior permission from the principal.
  7. Each student must be present in 75% of the classes failing which he/ she will not be eligible to contest in the elections and to get promotion to the next higher class.
  8. No club or society should be started or maintained in the College and no function should be organized without the approval of the principal.
  9. All applications to the Principal regarding freeship, exemption from fine and any other matter relating to his studies in the college will be routed through the Adm.
  10. Free studentship and financial help from S.S.G and Students Aid Fund shall be withdrawn from a student if he/she is irregular in attending the classes, examinations or involved in any act of indiscipline.
  11. All cycles must be ped locked and kept in the cycle-shed, provided for, in side the campus.
  12. Scribbling, pasting of bill and writing on blackboard or otherwise disfiguring the college walls are strictly prohibited.
  13. Spitting on walls, pillars or doors of the college is strictly prohibited.
  14. Students must maintain decorum particularly in the playground and in meetings and functions.
  15. Students should use the toilets provided for the purpose.
  16. In case of urgency, the application for CLC / Conduct Certificate / Mark sheet / CC may be submitted before 12 noon and the same can be issued after 2 P.M. on the same day.
  17. The subject combination, once opted for cannot ordinarily be altered. It can be altered within a specific period (as fixed by the principal) after obtaining the prior permission of the Principal.
  18. The students of the college must abide by such orders of the principal as when necessary to enforce discipline and maintain dignity of the institution. Violation of the principals’ orders is a serious offence and liable to either fine or rustication according to the nature of offence.
  19. Students should take their seats before the lecturer enters the class room and entry into the class during the lecture without permission will be viewed seriously.
  20. A student found intentionally and deliberately, creating disturbance during the course of lecture will be immediately brought to the notice of the principal for disciplinary action.
  21. Misbehavior of the college students in any of the college matches, competitions and functions will be regarded as breach of the rules and discipline.
  22. Students should stand in queue while waiting to pay their tuition fees or for other purposes.
  23. Breach of College discipline will lead to expulsion of the student and decision of the principal in such matter will be final and binding.
  24. Students are warned not to use horns, bells, crackers, loud speakers and also not to make any sort of unusual sound which may create noise pollution in the college premises.
  25. The use of mobile phones during the lecture in class room is strictly prohibited.
  26. Students violating dress code will be brought to notice of the Principal for disciplinary actions.